Photo by :Takeru Koroda
Sawing box of curiosities (不思議の裁縫箱)
2016-2021/ Watercolor on vellum, plants and insect specimens
Cabinet of curiosities (英語)=珍品陳列室。Wunderkammer (ヴンダーカンマー/ドイツ語)と同義。15世紀から18世紀にかけてヨーロッパで各地域の支配者や貴族たちが世界の様々な珍品を収集して陳列したことに始まる。コレクションを収めるための特注の戸棚をキャビネットと呼び、そこから展示て「」の名が生まれ、展示室へと進化したと言われる。
Cabinets of curiosities (also known in German loanwords as Wunderkammer) were collections of notable objects. The term cabinet originally described a room rather than a piece of furniture. Modern terminology would categorize the objects included as belonging to nature history (sometimes faked), geology, ethnography, archaeology, religious or historical relics, works of art and antiquities. The classic cabinet of curiosities emerged in the sixteenth century, although more rudimentary collections had existed earlier. In addition to the most famous and best documented cabinets of rulers and aristocrats, members of the merchant class and early practitioners of science in Europe formed collections that were precursors to museums. (Wikipedia)